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Role of Nursing Services in Healthcare

healthcare, role of nursing

Role of Nursing Services in Healthcare

The role of the Nurse can be grouped into the following categories

Role of Nursing Service

General Role

  1. Round the clock nursing services
  2. Monitoring and coordinating nursing care
  3. Assisting medical personnel in rendering medical care to the patients

Specific Role

  1. Assessment of patients nursing need
  2. Planning and providing of nursing care
  3. Prevention of complication
  4. Documentation of care provided to the patient
  5. Assist hospital administration in measurement of the performance

Role of nursing executive

  1. Designing and proving nursing care by allocating sufficient number of nursing manpower for patient care
  2. Ensure continuous and timely availability of nursing personnel for the patient care
  3. Implementation latest advances for nursing care
  4. Measurement, monitoring and evaluation of the nursing care, thus helping in the control and administration of the nursing services of the hospital
  5. Organize continuing nursing education performance
  6. Organizing nursing audit
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