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Nursing Management in the Ward for In-patient Department

nursing management in the ward

Nursing Management in the Ward for In-patient Department

Management in the Ward

Management defined in a simple language is to get the work done in a systematic way for accomplishment of defined objectives based on management of men, money and materials, machines, methods and minutes. Management gives us the clue as to how to get best possible services and how to make the ward administration effective and efficient. It is also said that management is a process by which a cooperative group directs action towards common goals. Ward management is facilitated by the development of systematic procedures for dealing with the details of ward functions by adoption of a system of day-to-day tasks. The ward management is basically an operational management. The ward management is the key to success of the hospital. The image of a hospital depends to a large extent upon the patient’s satisfaction. The patient’s satisfaction is dependent upon the effective ward management. The effective ward management depends upon the technical skills and ability of the ward sister. Another important fact about the ward management is, ward is a matrix organization, a very complex organization. It is to be managed on the principles of a project management. The ward sister is under the dual Command, at one hand she is under the command of the physician in—charge of the ward/department at other hand she is under the command of nursing superintendent. This makes management of the ward a very challenging job. While managing a ward, the manager has to apply various managerial skill which differ as per the level of the management. The student is advised to consult the introductory chapter on management in the same book. The nurse manager has to apply the whole management process while managing the ward/unit and to follow all the management principles.

Ward Management


The objectives of ward management can be classified as
  1. Short term objectives: Patient care, treatment and early discharge will be short term tangible objectives.
  2. Long term objectives: Especially treatment, personnel training and advancement are long term objectives.
Main role in ward management is performed by the nursing unit. This unit forms the system, ensures its proper implementation and performs evaluation towards the care and comfort of the patients with full supervision. A nursing unit should be so designed that it can operate at minimum cost and can at the same time also achieve the functional goals of the ward. The nursing unit has to be an efficient unit of the hospital. Much of the care in the hospital is dependent upon the quality output of the nursing services: The person in-charge of a nursing care in the ward is called ward-sister or sister-in-charge.
Management of Ward
  • Management of personnel
  • Policy and procedures of IPD
  • Management of supplies and equipments
  • Management and control of environment of IPD
Nursing Management in the Ward for In-patient Department Reviewed by Unknown on 2:08:00 AM Rating: 5

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