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About Us

Hospital Management is a dynamic, diversified and a multidimensional system. In recent times it has become an important part of the health care delivery.

This is 'a set of activities - planning & decision making, organizing, leading & controlling' - directed at an organization's resources - human, financial, physical & information with the aim of achieving organizational goals in an efficient and effective manner.

All organizations have goals. Goals are achieved through people in an organizations setting. Hospitals however have few fundamental differences. These differences are, 'Hospital', compared to a business organization, has to be highly responsive to the community's health needs and service expectations; and the work in a hospital cannot be standardized as can be done in industrial production. Hospitals are required to render personalized care and treatment to individual patients.

This site is an attempt to present hospital management in a comprehensive and practical fashion. It is an initiative in the direction of providing a unified body of health care management knowledge.

We hope this site 'Hospital Management 24' is will be found useful in many measurable degree by those whom it is intended. Modern Health Care Services Management has a long history but a short part in site. At present, it is will organized that this is a scientific discipline and requires a mathematical approach with high professionalism.

Higher quality and cost-effective care is often equated with access to the modern technology and medication. But this should go hand in hand with the efficient utilization of health administrators.

This site will be immense value for practical references in the specialties of hospital planners and administrators. We are also happy that this is also a thought provoking site.

Who We Are

abir ahamed
Abir Ahamed
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Abir Ahamed is entrepreneur and the Co-founder of (Hospital Management 24).

Connect With Abir Ahamed
(Skype) abir.ahamed.369

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Phone : +8801677-729479

Help Improve Is Our Aim!!

At any time, for any such advice, please contact us.

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