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Disinfection and Sterilization Infection Control Guidelines

disinfection, sterilization

Disinfection and Sterilization Infection Control Guidelines

Environmental, Instrumental Disinfectants and Wound, Skin Care Products Use.
  1. a. Cidezyme J&J, b. New product available now, c. Ethylene Glycol 7% [3 MM], d. Lysoformin
  2. Lysol Bacillocid
  3. Spiral detergent
  4. Formalin
  5. a. Cidex
  6. Microshield PVP-S-(555)
  7. Wasa-soft
  8. Dettol
  9. Savlon
  10. a. AHD special, b. Sterlium
  11. Microshield PVP
  12. Aerodesin 2000
  13. Aldasan 2000
  14. Spirit
  1. Enzymatic detergent, Ethylene Glycol 100 g contains : 7.5 g Glyoxal. 9.6 g didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride.
  2. Disinfectant
  3. Detergent
  4. Formaldehyde
  5. 2% Glutaraldehyde
  6. Povidone iodine antiseptic solution (iodine-10%)
  7. Liquid soap
  8. Antiseptic Germicide
  9. Antiseptic liquid
  10. 2.5% Chlorhexidine gluconate with 75% & ethanol
  11. Povidone iodine hand scrub
  12. 100 g contains 32.5 g 1 propanol 18 g Ethanol & 0.1 g Glutaral
  13. 9.8 g formaldehyde, 9.9 g gluteral
  14. Alcohol
  1. To disinfect the endoscopes and other. Add 8 ml cidezyme detergent liquid concentrate in 1 liter of water. If the organic is dried then use 16 ml in a liter of water. Soak in the solution for at least one minute use soft brush cloth if desired. Thoroughly rinse dry and send for high-level disinfection. Cleaning process is same as above.
  2. Used for mopping of floors across the hospital.
  3. Used for cleaning of floors across the hospitals.
  4. Used for environmental disinfection after thorough cleaning. Now rarely used, becoming outdated.
  5. Used for disinfection of kinds of instruments.
  6. Used for disinfection of kinds of instruments.
  7. Body and hand wash liquid
  8. Used in Apollo for body sponging
  9. Skin preparation & Before PVE
  10. Alcohol based hand rub [quick disinfectant for hands]
  11. Hand wash liquid
  12. Surface & environment disinfection. Ideal for OT,ICU & patient room cleaning when required disinfection.
  13. Surface disinfection 7 cleaning. Can be used where high level disinfection is required; OT,ICU isolation room, transplant unit etc.
  14. Skin disinfection

Note : It is advised that staff should read and follow manufacturer's instructions printed on the labels of the products.
Eo and autoclave
There are two main methods of sterilization or else called high level disinfection.

The purpose is to sterilize the instruments and required material for invasive and non invasive procedures.

Covers autoclaving and EO sterilizing of various articles used for invasive and non invasive procedures.

Sterilization and Disinfection


It is defined as a process where all microbes are removed from a defined object inclusive of bacterial spores by means of physical, by means of heat or radiation etc.
e.g. Autoclave gamma radiation or By chemical means e.g. 2% Glutaraldehyde and EO.


Most of microbes are removed from a defined object or surface, except bacterial endospores by means of some chemical agents is considered to be intermediate or low level.
The latest and safest method is Plasma Sterilization, which is highly expensive.
Disinfectants are classified according to their ability to destroy microbes. The agents which are able to destroy vegetative bacteria is termed as low level disinfectants, the agents rendering mycobacterium non viable is termed as intermediate disinfectants and whereas all microbial life is destroyed including end spores are termed as high level disinfectant.

CSSD : Central Sterilization Supplies Department
EO : Ethylene Oxide

121 degree Centigrade, 20 pounds pressure for 40 minutes. There are pre vacuum autoclave, its holding time is just 4 minutes at 132 degrees centigrade, the other autoclave is gravity displacement, it requires a holding time of 30 to 40 minutes at 121 degree centigrade. Autoclave efficiency should be checked by using biological indicator at every cycle, but we are doing it ever week.

As per Apollo Policy, it’s 7 days. Shelf life depends on kind of storage, away from water source, packaging material used, autoclave reliability etc.

Those who are packing the items should remember the following points :
  • Items which are reused should be washed, dried thoroughly before sending to EO unit.
  • Scrupulous cleanliness and dryness of the object - otherwise a toxic layer of ethyl glycol forms of free toxic gas which can be used for heat sensitive articles. 
  • Requirements 20 - 40% relative humidity.
  • Concentration of 540 mg - 900 mg/Lt
  • Temperature of 50 degrees C
  • Cooling and aeration time of 16 hours.
Shelf life of an EO gaseous item should be 5 years and it can be used immediately since our machine has an inbuilt aeration chamber.
Always double pack the items, place the chemical indicator on the first cover, and seal it properly. It works on EO gas and humidity.


  • For EO improper packing affects the efficacy of the process.
  • EO if the pack is damaged, then it is not fit for use.
  • Autoclaved items should be stored in closed cupboard protected from moisture.
  • Shelf life of autoclaved items is 7 days in wards and in OT.
  • Each individual pack should have indicator top stating the sterility status.
Disinfection and Sterilization Infection Control Guidelines Reviewed by Unknown on 7:10:00 PM Rating: 5

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