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Personnel Management in Nursing for In-patient Department

personnel management in nursing

Personnel Management in Nursing for In-patient Department

Management of Patient Care

It is the legal responsibility of the nursing administrator/ ward in-charge to provide and ensure quality care to the patients. The administrator/ ward in-charge should instruct his/her employees to be very cordial and sympathetic with the patients and their attendants besides providing the quality care to the patients. She is the spokes person, she is the leader and responsible for the liaison with the staff, patients, visitors, VIPs, press and everybody coming to the ward. The importance becomes even more in the crisis situation.

Management of Personnel

Management of personnel is not an easy job. The nursing administrator / ward in-charge has to create a working environment providing facilities and services within the reach of all categories of staff. He/she has to motivate the subordinates to achieve the organizational goals. She has to communicator, motivator, leader and counsellor and disturbance handler in the ward; most of the time her presence is felt in the wards. The clinicians come to ward and go back to their perspective department, handling over their responsibility of patient’s care to the nurse.


Coordinating is the integrating process in an orderly pattern of group effort; in any hospital toward the accomplishment of a common objective. To ensure the harmonious and smooth working of an organization with a number of its divisions, departments or units, activities in all areas are required to be pulled together, unified and blended so as to give them a common purpose. Coordination is basically synergy. The diverse departments are brought together to work for a common purpose of rendering quality care to the patients in the wards. Much of the name and fame of the hospital is dependent upon the work of the nurses. Coordination must have time, quantity, and direction dimensions. Coordination is different from cooperation; in cooperation people help each other to accomplish their objectives; in coordination it is the combined and synergistic effort to achieve the common organization objectives. It is a mutually arranged effort of the requisite quality and quantity, arranged at the proper time through deliberate executive action.


Counselling in general is defined as helping people to help themselves. It is the process of helping people to help themselves. It is the process of helping a person to solve his problem by himself. Counselling is also defined as a conversation between two people for the purpose of solving the problem.

Strategic Management

The term strategic management has been borrowed much from the military sciences. It is more appropriate in the war like situations. The strategic management has become very popular in the service industries also. This is basically dependent upon the following factors:
  1. To establish long term goals.
  2. To determine the need of the resources to be deployed for achievement of these goals.
  3. To make environmental analysis, meaning thereby to assets the external environment of the ward in relation to the hospital. To weigh the strength and weakness of each.
  4. To select the best course of action to achieve these goals.
  5. Wards also need a strategic management.
  6. Nursing unit of ward is responsible for giving strategic direction to a ward: Person in-charge of the ward should have over all perspective of the resources, constraints, objective and plans of the hospital. There should he a definite image of the ward and the specially treatment aimed for.
  7. The capacity, requirement of the personnel, medical and para-medical, nursing, technical, non-technical and equipment should be determined.
  8. The standards of quality care of the patients should be established.
  9. There should be proper training of the ward personnel and should establish an evaluation system of patient’s care.

Operational Management

The operational management is basically management on short term and day to day basis at the operational level. Strategic management gives a direction, white operational management works towards this strategy. The objectives should be to provide comforts and good quality care to the patients, as a short term, while long term objective should be improvement and establishment of a system for the functioning of the ward.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring is the observation and recording of the discrete activities; with as objective to evaluate the plan. The evaluation is itself dependent to a large extent on good monitoring process. Functioning of the ward is monitored by various methods. Nursing is a dynamic, therapeutic and educative process in meeting the health needs. The activities undertaken by the nurses are:
Personnel Management in Nursing for In-patient Department Reviewed by Unknown on 8:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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