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Discharges and Delivery of Care in Intensive Care Units

discharges, delivery of care

Discharges and Delivery of Care in Intensive Care Units

Administrative Policies to Facilitate Appropriate Admissions, Discharges and Delivery of Care in Intensive Care Units

A. Personnel

  1. A Physician NURSE Coordinator / Head must be appointed who, on the basis of training, interest, type of practice and availability, can give clinical, administrative and educational direction to the unit. Collaboration with nursing and ancillary staff should be mandatory. The Coordinator/Head should assume responsibility for assuring the quality, safety and appropriateness of care in the ICU. The Directors must work collaboratively with the Directors of other areas so that patient care, triage and patient flow are effective and efficient; the ultimate authority for ICU admission, discharge and triage rests with the ICU Coordinator / Head.
  2. An ICU Coordinator / Head has the responsibility to ensure that the patients meet ICU admission and discharge criteria. Formal recognition of the role of the ICU Coordinator / Head should occur through established hospital guidelines. Knowledge of the various prognostic models is requirement of the ICU Coordinator / Head. A clearly written procedure for conflict resolution as it relates to admission and discharge of patients must be in place.
  3. The multi specialty team of professionals should meet on a regular basis to identify and solve problems through quality assurance and continuous quality improvement activities.
Discharges and Delivery of Care in Intensive Care Units Reviewed by Unknown on 7:03:00 PM Rating: 5

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